
Members can sign up at the clubhouse for coaching with our club’s trained coaches and find resources here to help prepare for a coaching session.

Coaching Coordinator – Janine Sisson

Coaches Level 2 – Janine Sisson, John Carr, Terry Walsh

Coaches Level 1 – Geoff Hilton. Pam Mason

15 minute coaching sessions Fifteen minute Level 1 and 2 coaching sessions at the club twice monthly (arrive 9.15 for 9.20am start) before social play.


Tuesday 15 October –  Jump Shots

Thursday – Unavailable till late October

Thursday 7 November – Faults (double taps around the hoop)

Tuesday 19 November – Skill drill – roquets


Faults – John van der Touw

Some croquet practice drills

Angled Shots – John van der Touw

Jump Shot

One ball hit

Jump Shots – Eric Sawyer

Jump shot and Cut rush

You Tube Clips – many more  to be found under a search of ‘Jump shots croquet’.